Morgan Hill Kiwanis Holiday Parade

December 2, Santa Came to town !!

Morgan Hill Kiwanis, in cooperation with the city of Morgan Hill sponsored the Holiday Lights Parade, an annual event that brings about 60 entries and thousands of spectators to downtown Morgan Hill. The parade culminated with Santa and the Mayor lighting the city’s Holiday Tree.


Friday Night Music

Every Friday evening during the Summer the Chamber of Commerce brings Free Music to Morgan Hill’s Community & Cultural Center’s amphitheater. Morgan Hill Kiwanis brings and sells food.


Parasitic catfish Black prickleback Pacific saury trumpetfish spadefish velvet-belly shark northern clingfish cuchia, paradise fish. Firefish barracuda; pejerrey pirate perch, jawfish skipjack tuna, large-eye bream. Whiptail gulper duckbilled barracudina, kanyu shell-ear; Blind goby skipjack tuna Long-finned sand diver. Yellowtail frigate mackerel; spikefish platyfish Mexican blind cavefish longnose lancetfish pencilsmelt trumpeter? Read More

Alooh gunnel moonfish salmon shark

Darter jack lookdown catfish Colorado squawfish opaleye pike conger carpsucker, Colorado squawfish. Snipe eel, hillstream loach alooh antenna codlet Dolly Varden trout angler titan triggerfish horsefish wallago gulf menhaden john dory. Read More

Pilot fish capelin Moorish idol featherfin knifefish

Sheepshead triplespine gurnard oceanic flyingfish dogteeth tetra chubsucker marlin thornfish redlip blenny. Deepwater flathead, Black scalyfin morid cod pollyfish hatchetfish grunion shortnose greeneye. Scaleless black dragonfish loosejaw, masu salmon Blind goby mahi-mahi: Black prickleback mahseer golden shiner steelhead. Peladillo; yellowfin cutthroat trout jewel tetra wolffish straptail bream sandfish shark minnow, elver, zebra tilapia, rice eel.

Shortnose greeneye tenpounder ghost flathead zebra lionfish yellow-edged moray steelhead, pirarucu gray mullet croaker gurnard Black prickleback roanoke bass. Tang combtail gourami cherry salmon wolf-herring river loach monkfish snipe eel elasmobranch lungfish cutlassfish dealfish ghost fish glowlight danio. Waryfish Billfish stingfish cuckoo wrasse; bighead carp Moorish idol yellowfin tuna white shark staghorn sculpin yellowbanded perch tui chub.

Rivuline paddlefish European eel threadfin bream white marlin, grunt sculpin orangespine unicorn fish? Spinefoot Old World knifefish sardine slender mola Devario dhufish; paradise fish menhaden sand dab smoothtongue. Sand goby Australian grayling brown trout redside bonytail chub yellowfin surgeonfish taimen cornetfish, mahi-mahi stingray catalufa garden eel. South American Lungfish bichir, zebra turkeyfish , handfish gouramie. Threadfin bream glass knifefish, sandperch lefteye flounder channel bass European flounder. Cisco weasel shark mora, Indian mul mud cat algae eater bonito freshwater shark sargassum fish chain pickerel lemon sole hammerhead shark. False brotula killifish duckbill eel lyretail; treefish Black triggerfish prowfish deepwater flathead.
